2 strange stories written by my daughter

 Three hours ago, I walked through the Smith Jewelry Store. There was a lot of beautiful jewelry there. Suddenly, a man with a black coat approached the store. He looked everywhere to make sure no one was around. So I ran then hid behind the walls. Then he smiled and came up with an idea. He quietly picked up hard rock. After that, he hid it away and looked around again. He threw the rock into the window. And a crack appeared in the window. And, the rock bounced back to his head. He fell to the ground. During this time, I ran to the police. The police came. They arrested him and put him in jail.

Yesterday, I went to the bus stop to take a bus. I saw a man wearing a black coat and a woman who had a beautiful purse. The man looked a little suspicious. While the woman was looking at the bus stop locations, the man looked at her bag. Then, he looked around the road to make sure there was no one nearby. I hid behind the bus stop. Then, he tried to steal money from her purse. I called the police by my phone because I wanted to report this man stealing from a woman. The old woman wore a red dress and a brown coat. She had a beautiful hat. Then, the man looked around again with an awkward look. Secondly, He tried to approach the woman. He touched something fuzzy inside the purse. He thought it was a woolly scarf. He pulled it out. Unfortunately for him, it was a dog. The dog bit him and barked. The woman heard her dog barking and was surprised. The police came. He looked at the man and arrested him. The woman looked at me, and she said: "Thank you."

Written by Thuy An


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