Veganism is a good thing for your life


Veganism is a very controversial topic to talk about. Some people find it stupid and boring. However, veganism also comes with a lot of good sides. Let's get into it. If you don't know what veganism is, it's the practice of only eating plant-based foods. First of all, it helps us control our weight. Most plants contain very little or no refined carbs. Refined carbs are the biggest reason why we gain weight fast. They are converted into fat in the body and build up over time. Plants also have no saturated or trans-fat, which is bad for our bodies. Secondly, they have a lot of healthy nutrients. Almost all greens contain vast amounts of fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Fruits also contain healthy sugars and flavonoids that help our bodies. Many nuts and legumes have lots of protein and essential fatty acids. Since plants have more variety, we can get more nutrients out of them. Thirdly, no animals die. Hundreds of millions, if not billions of animals are slaughtered every year. Many animal welfare programs and animal lovers said that it is barbaric and inhumane to do this. Not just that, they are also kept in horrible environments, which may even cause more deaths. Finally, it is better for the environment. If we all go vegan, there will be a much more diverse and healthy ecosystem. Old wheat and barley won't be the kings anymore. Many other plants will be selectively bred to make plants that can resist climate change and harsh environments, grow big and strong, and produce lots of food for humans. Slowly, these plants will diversify even more. Some may be more adapted to the cold, and others are strong enough to survive hurricanes. To the large extent, these plants may survive in space stations, which could help humanity spread out into space and beyond. Veganism is a good and safe practice, and it could not just only benefit your lives, it may benefit the lives of others around you.

Written by Thuy An


  1. I’m not a vegan. But I like to eat vegetable. It makes me feel relax and good in my body


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